What Are The Things To Do At A Baby Shower?

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What are the things to do at a baby shower

You might want to play games. You can offer baby items like clothes, dishes, and toys. You need to take pictures with the mommy and daddy-to-be. You can go to a party store and buy decorations. Most of all, you will need gifts to give the baby.

What are the things to wear?

You should wear comfortable clothes that you can easily move in. You might want to bring disposable cameras so that you can take pictures in the shower. It would be nice if you could wear something with a small baby on it, like a t-shirt or a onesie. Do not forget your shoes.

What kind of food is served?

The first thing they will serve is cake and ice cream for dessert after dinner. They may also have drinks available, like juice or soda. A variety of finger foods are usually provided as well, such as sandwiches cut into shapes, veggies, and dip, fruit, and cookies. You can also bring food to share if you would like.

What kind of games are played?

There are many different types of baby shower games that you can play. One popular game is the diaper game. You will need to bring a lot of diapers for this game. Another game is the guessing game. In this game, the guests will have to guess how many items are in a container. You can also have a treasure hunt where the guests have to find baby items hidden around the room.

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Is it necessary to bring a gift?

It is not necessary to bring a gift to a baby shower, but it is always appreciated. If you are attending a shower for someone you do not know well, a small gift like a onesie or a teddy bear would be appropriate. If you are close to the parents-to-be, you might want to give a more expensive gift, like a stroller or a crib.

What should I do if I am late?

If you are late for the shower, try to enter quietly and without making too much noise. You do not want to interrupt the activities that are going on. Try to find a seat quickly so that you can join in on the fun.


So what are the things to do at a baby shower? You can do many things, but the most important thing is to have fun. Nobody wants a boring shower.

If you are planning the baby shower, make sure that everybody has a great time and feels welcome. You want to create a fun environment for everybody. When it’s a surprise, let only people you know well know about it, since it can be awkward if someone finds out by accident.

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