What’s the Best Bottles For Babies?: Feed your baby with comfort

Best Bottles For Babies: There are a number of different brands and models available. Each claims to have distinct advantages over its competition. It can be very confusing for parents that want to make sure their baby is getting the best possible bottles for babies. There are even some people who will claim that certain companies or designs could harm your baby.

The following information should help you to separate mother-fact from fiction and determine which bottles will work best with your infant’s needs and preferences.

What material should my baby’s bottle be made out of?

Babies bottles come in either glass or plastic construction; the most widely used is polycarbonate plastics. Glass is often cited as better since it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals and it is easier to clean. Unfortunately, glass bottles are much more likely to break and the thicker glass that works so well for baby food jars is very heavy when filled with liquid.

Making them awkward for parents to handle. Babies can also accidentally chip or break a glass bottle during feeding time leading to a risk of lacerations and other injuries. Many experts feel that plastic bottles are perfectly safe so long as measurements of Bisphenol-A (BPA) do not exceed limits set by the FDA.

Plastic bottles 

Plastic bottles are typically made from Polycarbonate plastics containing bisphenol-a (BPA), which has been linked to several negative effects on health in infants. Babies’ exposure to high concentrations of BPA is especially concerning since they are not able to metabolize and expel harmful substances as efficiently as adults.

As such, experts recommend that parents opt for bottles made with Eastman Tritan™ copolyester which is one of the few plastics found to be completely free of BPA while still offering safety and durability.

Teflon is also something to avoid when it comes to your baby’s bottle. As this chemical coating has been known to flake into liquid when heated. Babies are particularly susceptible to any chemicals that may come in contact with their food or drink since they do not have a fully developed immune system up until around six months of age.

Allowing potentially dangerous chemicals easier access to their bloodstreams There are some manufacturers that claim Teflon is safe for use in babies bottles, although recommendations by the FDA and studies conducted on Teflon flaking are enough to convince us that it’s best not to risk using these types of plastics when preparing your baby’s bottle.

What size should my baby’s bottle be?

Newborns do not need more than 4 – 5 ounces of formula during one feeding so 7 or 8-ounce bottles won’t be necessary right away. Babies grow quickly though, and most experts recommend at least a 9-ounce bottle around the three-month mark; transitioning from 3-4 smaller feedings per day to 2 larger ones.

You will also want to consider how you intend to transport and warm your baby’s milk, deciding what size bottle to go with. If you will only be toting bottles around in a diaper bag, smaller 4-ounce options are probably your best bet. Babies that will need to be bottle-fed while away from home though may require a larger 9 or even 12-ounce option; depending on their appetites and the duration of time between feedings.

What type of nipple should I get with my baby’s bottle?

Another important point to consider is what type of nipple you want on the bottle. There are three main types that are used: slow flow, medium flow, and fast flow. Babies who have not yet developed proper swallowing reflexes often do better with the slower flowing nipples that help them maintain control over milk intake choking or taking in too much air can lead to tummy troubles and colic.

Babies who have mastered the art of eating though will usually prefer a faster flowing nipple that allows them to suckle more quickly; cutting down on feeding time and achieving satiety sooner. When deciding which flow rate is right for your baby, consider where you will be using it most often and what activities you need to plan around minimizing interruptions during feedings.

What other features should I look for when choosing a bottle?

If your baby seems particularly fussy after being fed or during diaper changes. Take a look at the area near the nipple where his lower lip meets the bottle. If this area is concave it means that too much milk comes out at once leading to gagging. Babies will also be less likely to finish their meal with a wider nipple and can benefit from bottles with angled necks that help keep milk at the bottom of the container instead of covering more than a small area of the nipple.

Babies who have trouble gaining weight may need bottles that allow you to control feedings including slow or medium flow nipples with a 2-ounce reservoir in addition to 6 ounce regular bottles. Most bottle sets come with two different-sized nipples, but it’s best to buy a full set including extra slow or fast flow ones if your baby is extremely fussy after feeding.

Bottles should never be “warmed up” even though microwaves are used by many parents for this very purpose. Heating milk in plastic containers has been shown to cause chemical changes in the plastic and leave your baby’s meal with harmful chemicals. That can’t be broken down by their still-developing digestive systems. Instead, use a bottle warmer or fill a pan with water then place the bottles into it; being as gentle as possible when moving them around so the heat evenly distributes inside. 


Babies who are exclusively breastfed may not even need bottles after four or five months of age. Although if they do take one, make sure it is made completely from silicone for safety reasons. Bottle-feeding babies can become second nature once you find brands that work best for your child’s needs. When shopping though, keep in mind you should never sacrifice quality for cost. Since cheap options often contain potentially harmful chemicals. Or lead to a need for unnecessary purchases later on.